Episode 7

Published on:

13th Feb 2024

The No BS Office

We delve into the complex world of unwritten rules and how they shape, and sometimes distort, our workplace dynamics. Dr. Grace Lordan is joined by a panel of experts who unpack the invisible codes of conduct that everyone seems to know, except when you're the new kid on the block. From the subtle cues about lunchtime etiquette to the silent expectations of communication, these unspoken norms can be a minefield for the uninitiated, and even more so for neurodivergent individuals. We explore the tangible steps organisations can take to create a more transparent, communicative, and inclusive culture. 

Listen, learn, and let's transform the workplace together. Subscribe, rate, and review Work FORCE on your favorite podcast platform and join Dr. Grace Lordan in dismantling the "bullstuff" that holds us back. Visit www.gracelordan.com for more insights and to share your thoughts on future topics. Produced by Decimal Creatives, this is Work FORCE – where we work smarter, not harder, for a workplace that works for all.

Work FORCE is a podcast hosted by Dr Grace Lordan (www.gracelordan.com), author of Think Big, Take Small Steps and Build the Future You Want and professor at the London School of Economics. You can buy Think Big Here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Big-Small-Steps-Future/dp/0241420164/kacey123-21



Work FORCE unravels the behavioural science behind things that happen in the workplace that impact your success and wellbeing, blending academic evidence with real life experiences.  


Follow Grace on X or Instagram @profgracelordan; on LinkedIn drgracelordan 

Joining the Work FORCE discussion are:

Dan Haris

Dan Harris is the founder and CEO of the Neurodiversity in Business charity. NIB has been set up to transform the employment prospects of the 15 to 20% of the population who are neurodivergent. As a neurodivergent leader and advocate, Dan is passionate about raising awareness and understanding of the strengths and challenges of neurodiversity, and empowering neurodivergent individuals to thrive in their careers. Founded in 2022, over 600 global corporate members and community partners have joined NiB’s mission in the past 18 months. The charity remains powered by a team of 100 volunteers committed to raising awareness across multiple sectors, industries and countries. The time for #neuroinclusion is now.

Find out more at: https://neurodiversityinbusiness.org

Lyric Rivera

Lyric Rivera, founder of NeuroDivergent Consulting and author of the best-selling business ethics book Workplace Neurodiversity Rising, named “Trend for 2023” and praised in Forbes as “an excellent ‘how to manual’ based on lived experience and professional competence.” 

Lyric runs the blog NeuroDivergent Rebel and is known as the pioneer of the #AskingAutistics hashtag, where simple questions prompt open-ended responses that Autistic people can quickly chime in with and invites participants to engage each other in conversations related to the topic. This hashtag connects people who would not otherwise have a reason to engage with each other and fosters a collective understanding of the Autistic Experience.

For more information check out www.NeuroDivergentRebel.com  and www.NeuroDivergentConsulting.org 

Giles Turnbull

Giles helps organisations communicate more like humans do:  clearly, briefly, creatively. He works with leaders, teams and individuals to plan better ways of communicating about work in progress. Giles is the author of "The agile comms handbook".

Find out more about Giles’ work at https://usethehumanvoice.com

For additional bonus content from all of this episode’s guest conversations visit the Work FORCE YouTube channel: @ProfGraceLordan

Dr Grace Lordan is the Founding Director of The Inclusion Initiative. Find out more about The Inclusion Initiative on @LSE_TII or visit https://www.lse.ac.uk/tii

Dr Grace Lordan is leader of www.diversirtyandproductivity.com 

Work FORCE is produced by Decibelle Creative: @decibelle_creative / www.decibellecreative.com 


Show artwork for Work FORCE

About the Podcast

Hosted by Dr Grace Lordan. Blending behavioural science & academic insights about things that happen in the workplace that impact your success
Work FORCE is a podcast hosted by Dr Grace Lordan (www.gracelordan.com), author of Think Big, Take Small Steps and Build the Future You Want and professor at the London School of Economics.

Work FORCE unravels the behavioural science behind things that happen in the workplace that impact your success and wellbeing, blending academic evidence with real life experiences.
This podcast is produced by Decibelle Creative